Arjun works at the intersection of creativity and technology. He has a keen eye for colour and geometry and is always looking for ways to improve his craft. He loves making films, photography, music, and flying planes.

Change and movement have been a constant in Arjun’s life. He was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, grew up between Gurgaon and Mumbai, India, and spent his high school years in Toronto, Canada. Each change in the city brought with it a shift in friends, culture, climate, curriculum, and way of life. Through all of this, he learned to be adaptive, resilient, and curious.

Arjun learns by observation, is dextrous with his hands, and is a maker at heart. Whether it is about putting together an 18,000-piece lego set or flying a plane, he commits to the process of creativity and doesn’t rest till it’s done. The next thing on his list is learning how to make sushi.